Wednesday, November 6, 2019


what is the capital city of Saudi Arabia?

Riyadh, Arabic Al-Riyāḍ, city and capital of Saudi Arabia. The city’s name is derived from the plural of the Arabic rawḍah, meaning gardens or meadows, so named for a natural fertility provided by its location at the juncture of Wadis Ḥanīfah and Al-Baṭḥāʾ. The spectacular sight of Riyadh from the air, illuminated in the evening by city lights, is reminiscent of its eponymous meadows; a bright sea of lights dot the desert as if fluorescent flower gardens have suddenly blossomed among its dark contours.
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Life in Riyadh is concentrated around the city’s more than 4,000 mosques and its numerous busy shopping centers. The city’s central core and its many souks (marketplaces) attract heavy pedestrian traffic, emphasizing the city’s intense feeling of vitality. As residents of a major city in a mainly Muslim (see Islam) country, Riyadh’s inhabitants adhere to a number of social norms that include segregation of the sexes and the need to protect the privacy of the family. Recreational activities are often a family affair, and large public gatherings are mainly restricted to male attendants. However, many activity centers allow women and families to attend at special times or in reserved areas.

Image result for al riyadh CITY MALL

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